Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Tegucicalpa, don't even try to pronounce it, took me 3 days...


This year I ve been really shit, no cards, no emails, no text messages, nothing...
I guess it was spending Xmas on the Carribean that made me lazy, but if you're in a place that makes hot water by wrapping an electri wire around a shower head, then you'll probably appreciate that internet connections are somewhat far fetched...

So you're probably wondering about the title, well, it will probably take me a long time to finish writing this, but lets start from the start.

We arrived In Tegucicalpa after a relatively long trip from the wonderful El Salvador and found out right away that people here aren't as nice as the Salvadoreans, nor are the women, but here fortunately they aren't all married at 17 so the esthetic factor kinda falls into second place when it comes to not being shot by angry husbands.

Tegucicalps is somewhere in between Guatemala City and San Salvador, its not as horrific as Guate but not as clean and nice as San Salvador, so we settled into a fair and cheapish hotel and hit the roads searching for some entertainment.

We came across the Dunkan Maya, where if you buy a bucket of 5 beers you get some chicken wings, great! No need to eat! Turns out that the final of the local footie cup was on and we joined up with a table of funky Managua fans and became avid fans of the team that was randomly selected for us. Managua suffered a goal 48 seconds into the game and that was it, but it still made for a fun afternoon, specially considering that being 3 finance graduates and an engineer, we just cound's figure out the maths of having 5 beers in a bucket and 4 people.
The simple solution was to get a bucket each, but those went dry before the end of tha match and we ended up ruining the whole mathematical perfection by ordering a 5th bucket.

Many chicken wings later we got up with wabbling legs and went back to the hotel to get changed and hit the night clubs. Turns out that Hondurean women love tall white guys which worked out for me just fine, although they refuse to either talk or look at you when dancing which unfortunately suppressed hope for further evolution during the night.

Then the band started to play. Light went off and a single guital starts to play, Natxo yells "this is so Pink Floyd!!" with great expectations, of course he should have known better in latin america... he realised the error of his ways when two obviously gay charachters came on stage, somewhere of a cross between Ronaldo and a Leprechaun dressed like a very gay Ricky Martin.

The night ended with quite a few laughs, lies that we were reportes searching for new musical talent and a taxy back to the hotel after Natxo collected a few phone numbers of local girls, one of which had a boyfriend packing a gun sitting in front of her when Natxo got her number... guess some cultures are very different.

Up early next day, bought a No29 Suazo Inter T-Shirt (everyone here is an Inter fan as Suazo is a bit of a national hero) and decided to work off the hangover by drinking some beers whilst watching Real Madrid - Barcellona with two fanatics of Real Madrid (Roque's grandfather played for the team and his other grandfather was the president), luckyly our Barcelona representative (David) was asap, picking up a friend from the airport.

90 minutes later there were 5 smiling faces at the table, I had found out that Inter had beat bloody Milan 2-1 in the derby, Natxo and Roque has seen they team beat Barcellona in Barcellona 1-0 for the second time in 20 years, and David didn't care about the demise of his team, because he had been joined by an old sweetheart from the US named Victoria!

We decided to head north to the coast for a couple of days and Xmas, so we packed our bags into the Naughty Hottie, hugged Natxo fairwell as he has gone to Santiago del Chile for Xmas with his family for two weeks, and set in the afternoon sun.

100 Km from Tegucicalpa we stopped in a town called Seuatepeche to sleep as the Hondureans are absolutely insane and drinving at night is just insane.

We slept in a decent place with hairs of the previous clients in the beds and drove on to Tela the next morning, and this is where the adventure really begins!

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